"City and Architecture" emphasizes form as a common denominator for exploration and development of cities and towns in the Oslo region, with a focus on socially, ecologically and economically sustainable place development. Through a case-based, multidisciplinary approach to cities and urban areas, the goal is to identify concrete opportunities for the development of new formal answers across disciplines, plot boundaries and planning areas.
Using the city of Hamar as a case study to see how a future vision with a rising population can be integrated into an existing city

Initial photo workshop through our transect-Vangsvegen, Hamar
Figure shapes derived from own experiences and mapping data
Naturetypes-in and around Hamar
Layered mapping of the historical meanderation of the Åkersvika river
Historical end existing green structures-  Ingvild M. Berg
At the start, we analyzed the green structure in Hamar, and how it has changed over time. What we see is that the area with arable meadows has shrunk in favor of densification and residential areas with gardens. Today we also see that the area along Vangsveien, called "Entrebyen", has an almost total absence of green and soft surfaces, and is mostly characterized by impermeable surfaces, such as asphalt, gravel and concrete.
Furthermore, we did some work with Åkersvika, and looked at the qualities of this nature reserve. How the water level changes during the year, and how the bottom of the åkersvika looks up and down during the year. How the green structure is along the water's edge, and how erosion has changed the farmland over time.
By looking back at Pedersen's plan, we could see a connection between the axes in the plan from 1924, and the values of Åkersvika. Vangsveien is located where it is, largely due to the topography, but we also see that Pedersen planned several roads that led people towards Åkersvika.
Existing programing along Vangsvegen- Ingvild M. Berg
Analysis of movement/ Important sites/ monocutlural  pastures and naturtypes
Traffic and parking analysis
Series of sections along Vangsvegen- Showing parking places and existing building facades
Experimenting with volumes and pinciples along Vangsvegen
Precedens study: Herzog & De Meuron + Michel Desvigne
Le Confluence- Lyon, France
Testing Shapes using volums from OMA-Bordeaux 50000 - Mérignac-Soleil Masterplan (2012)
-Magnus Magnus Kjølstad Olsen
The "Entrebyen" along Vangsveien is one of two main areas in Hamar, where there is the most potential for future residential development. In 2124, with a growth perspective, there will be a need for around 1,500 homes in the area we have selected. We have therefore chosen to work on densification of this area.
In order to systematize the steps we take in our project, we have divided the project into several phases, which we envision happening in turn over the course of 100 years from now.
In the first phase, we redirect the traffic picture.
Instead of the entire Entrebyen being divided by a motorway, we want to put the main traffic along Ringgata, along the north side of the city. Today, approximately 15,000 cars drive through Vangsveien, but we envision less need for cars in the future, and that the diversion could be realistic.
In the next phase, we will remove a number of older warehouses, business premises and office buildings, as well as the detached house area in the east. This is again to free up space, and come in with a green structure – a park – for the entire area, where we will then add new volumes later.
We have worked with large monumental buildings, which stand as independent sculptures in the park. and form open green areas between them, for residents and the rest of Hamar's population.


1- Realignment of the main road will open up space for other programmes

2-Mapping of property boundaries in order to strategically densify the Entrébyen.

3-Planting trees is a quick way to create a sense of a holistic green structure.

4- Addition of building volumes to provide variety of programs and create 1,500 homes.

-Ingvild M. Berg

Siteplan Entrébyen 1:5000- Ingvild M. Berg

Situation plan 1:600
The hard surfaces, respectively red gravel and concrete slabs, show the way across the volumes, and across the main axis along Vangsveien, while the trees run through the area like an overarching carpet.

- Magnus Kjølstad Olsen

The footpath and cycle path that runs through the area with an immersion in the terrain to be able to collect stormwater.- Magnus Kjølstad Olsen

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